Tinker Travellers

The Tinker Association have again chosen to hold one of their travellers meetings at Bassenthwaite. As usual, it is being held while many club members are away supporting their team in the Southport 24 hour race.For a pleasant change the weather is mimicking an Indian Summer and it looks set to last for the rest of the weekend!

The sailors seemed to take exception to an early finish in the second race on Saturday and continued to sail on for another half hour. This turned out to be for a photo shoot!

Sunday came but left the wind behind! Only one short race was held and when the results were calculated on a handicap basis Ray Young proved to be the overall winner, with John Blkae 2nd and Stuart Warden equal 3rd with the first two-up, Peter and Anne Cross. The prize for the best overall improvement in performance over the season was awarded to the Springett family.Meanwhile, club racing took the form of a fleet challenge using fleet handicaps. Trainee boatman John Somerville even remembered to do the ‘Angel of the North’ pose – Herb would be proud. That said, John’s still not certain why he had to pose like that! The series was won by Ian Macpherson in his laser.
Overall winner Ray Young with OD William Carruthers Brian, Liz, Matthew and Rebecca Springett

