Author: Webmaster

Build a bonfire

Our bonfire celebrations are being held on 7th November. Please bring along a large display firework to make the event all the more spectacular. Hot snacks will be available. The bonfire will be lit around 6.30pm

Our grounds chairman is asking for help to build the bonfire on the morning of 7th and would ask any keen helpers to attend from 10.30am

Still in a high

With the high pressure continuing to dominate the weather, racing was cancelled again due to a lack of wind.

As with last week, Sunday morning welcomed sailors with an unexpected light southerly which freshened slightly as the day went on. A simple triangular course in the morning for a fleet of 13 boats suited Banter in his RS100, enabling him to put in some consistent 12 min laps and build up a 4 min lead (on handicap) on Dave/Lynn who held Joan/Jack at bay.… Read full article “Still in a high”

Power Outage

North West Electricity have advised us of some scheduled maintenance work this Saturday 3rd October between 10am and 2pm. Consequently access through the gate will not be possible until some kind person does a manual override.

So if you’re not privy as to how to open the gate manually please be patient, someone will turn up eventually!
