The album
Eventually got some wedding pics – click here
A hell of a do
Andrea Kirkpatrick and Ian Preston planned a weekend of celebrations following their wedding on Friday 25th June. Ian was determined to sail to the church whatever the weather and a temporary pontoon (comprising a Flying 15) with access walkway was constructed and floated into position adjacent to St Bega’s church. The weather was perfect on the day and Ian, together with another 13 intrepid sailors, sailed in five Fifteens in their wedding outfits up to the church! Another dozen guests travelled there in the club dorys.
Following the wedding service and photographs outside the church the bride and groom passed under an arch of oars and boat hooks before being whistled aboard the Bates, which had been decorated with bunting and code flags displaying Andrea and Ian, and enjoyed a bottle of champagne on a gentle trip back to the clubhouse.
The biggest surprise for the happy couple was a 505 as a wedding gift from some of the guests. A beautifully decorated marquee sited next to the clubhouse was the venue for the wedding breakfast. Unsurprisingly it was difficult to stop Andrea saying a few words as part of the speeches. A disco and live entertainment took the partying through to the early hours.
High overnight winds eased to encourage afternoon racing in very warm airs. Even the water seemed warm! Everything was set for beautiful evening for a barbeque. When everyone had eaten an unexpected light show moved in for several hours – a prolonged thunderstorm! Many people took shelter in the bar and danced the night away.
After a final race on Sunday morning followed by lunch and a prizegiving everyone started to wind down after a fantastically enjoyable long weekend.
Congratulations to the happy couple who drove off to Ian’s favourite ski resort for their honeymoon!