Sunday Pennant

With the tale end of storm Betty forecast to be affecting racing, there was a select few potential sailors turned out on Sunday. In fact, there was a good base wind, without any major gusts, that was mild, and it stayed dry!

With just two takers for two fleets, it was decided to forgo the first race, watch the women’s World Cup final, then race the Banana Stakes pennant. As much as the OD wanted to maintain the tradition of sailing around the lake, the wind had too much west in it, so the course remained in the main bay.

Dave/Lynn in their GP took an early lead, and it took Neil/Archie in their RS200 more than a lap to break through to the lead. A capsize quashed their chances of getting a sufficient lead to win on handicap.

Final honours went to Dave/Lynn, with Val/Ken 2nd

Final result
