Category: Racing

Fleet Challenge B 2024

This weekend there is a four race series for all classes. The summer weather continues to be elusive, overcast with a light NNE breeze which varied in strength and direction throughout the afternoon.

Robbie D/Toggle in their F15 initially led the fleet in the first race, but spinnaker issues slowed them down, and Alistair/Oscar in a RS400 pulled ahead, winning on handicap, with Dave/Lynn 2nd.… Read full article “Fleet Challenge B 2024”

Flash of summer

Weekend sailors enjoyed the best conditions of the season so far, with warm, sunny weather, and light-medium southerly winds.

Not exactly capsizing conditions, though John Reekie seemed to upturned several times. There was sufficient wind for Neil to suffer from aching muscles on Sunday as he got used to sailing a Laser while Archie waits for his hand to recover…

AJ/Sue had some close racing with Val/Ken with a fair share of wins between them.… Read full article “Flash of summer”
