Autumn Series 2nd weekend

Seventeen boats on a sunny Saturday enjoyed a southerly breeze that initially freshened.

The first start was busy, and there were some near misses (or was it collisions?!). Phil/Oscar in their RS200 had mixed fortunes against Dave/Lynn in their GP, especially when the wind veered slightly to the SSW, as Sale Fell affected the wind streams causing downdraughts, and some holes for sailors to contend with! At times there were great three sail reaches.

There was a major shift to the SW during the start sequence for the second race, but the S breeze returned, then Sale Fell intervened again making it challenging to complete the first lap, but the S breeze returned in time for most of the fleet to race one more lap.

Neil C in his Laser Radial won the first race, with Dave/Lynn 2nd, and Dave/Lynn won the next race with Phil/Oscar in a RS200 2nd. Neil C leads the series overall with AJ/Sue 2nd.

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Though lighter winds than last week, Sunday’s conditions in the bay were very similar with a breeze from the SSW on the east side, and from the NNE on the west side! To get some steadier conditions a windward/leeward course was set from 6 to 7. It took a while for the fleet to reach the start, and the first race was held in reasonably steady conditions, though there was the odd shift to the SW that a couple of boats on the right hand side of the beat took advantage of.

The wind strength was much more variable for the next race, especially during the first lap, but it returned for subsequent laps.

Both races were won by Dave/Lynn, with Neil C 2nd, resulting in the same positions for the series overall.

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