Category: News

Spreading our wings

It’s all go on the road this week, with members all over the UK and some in Europe representing Bassenthwaite Sailing Club.

At the Solo Nationals at Hayling Island Sailing Club, Ian Hopwood is very respectable 10/95 after 8 races.

Representing Cumbria at the NSSA championship at Draycote Water SC, Henry Bullen and Matthew Somerville are racing an RS200 and Henry and Thomas Kirkpatrick are sailing ILCAs.… Read full article “Spreading our wings”

Wet weekend

After a week of unsettled weather, the weekend was set follow suit with more wind and rain! However, whatever might be happening elsewhere did not affect the Bass micro climate as, on arrival, the lake was mirror like.

A very light breeze filled in quickly, and there was interest in having a race, so, after a brief postponement, a dozen boats over three fleets started the first race of the weekend series.… Read full article “Wet weekend”

Summer is here!

With the warm weather set to remain for a few more days at least, and, for a change, with a forecast of strong, gusty winds all weekend, there was a lower than usual turnout for the championship weekend series. Those that turned up were pleasantly surprised that conditions were less gusty than forecast, and  very sailable,

There were a couple of capsizes, but sailors enjoyed some good planing conditions, especially in the first race.… Read full article “Summer is here!”

Sad News

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Caroline Storey. It is heartbreaking for so many Bass members, especially her close family.

Before joining Bass, Caroline was a Bass Week regular, often seen smiling on the trapeze of the infamous Orvil, or in the bar drinking gin fizz.… Read full article “Sad News”

Club racing

As recently circulated, there will be club racing alongside the Flying 15 and GP open meetings in the form of single handicap fleet. It will follow the schedule of racing of the open meeting sailing instructions.

Beware that start times are earlier than usual – 1300hrs on Saturday and 1030hrs on Sunday

Soggy Start to Weekend

After some glorious days through the week, with plenty of sunshine and wind, Saturday started with torrential rain, which eased as the day moved on, but there was a lack of wind.

The mirror like conditions were broken up by zephyrs, which had Mike and Jack itching to race, but there was a lack of enthusiasm by others, and the mirror like returned, so racing was abandoned for the day.… Read full article “Soggy Start to Weekend”
