This weekend Red Seal volunteers travelled to Bass to provide additional safety boat cover for the  weekend. They brought their new D-Class boat Red Seal 1 which was formally named Barbara Darling by her family. Barbara sadly passed away last year and the family set up a JustGiving page which raised funds to allow Red Seal to purchase the new D-Class.

A fresh southerly greeted 85 young sailors as they prepared for this year’s NW Youth and Junior Traveller’s Trophy. Although the wind eased slightly before racing commenced early afternoon, the general direction remained relativly true (somewhat surprisingly!).

To ease congestion, the excellent turnout of 75 boats was split over two starts, though all results were merged into a single result. Although a few boats were OCS on the first start, all but one returned, and subsequent starts were clear. There were, of course, swinging winds, and some variations in wind strength, to contend with, but the sailors of all standards fared well. There were no capsizes (during racing!).

After two races, the fleet headed ashore for a break. Although the OD was keen to hold another race, the wind eased, and then swung through 180 degrees, a decision was made to abandon any attempt to hold another race on Saturday.

Overnight leader was George Creasy & David Bromilow in a 420 from WKSC, with Zak & Zoe Sanderson-Davies in a Feva from Windermere 2nd, and Oliver Mills in a Laser from Pennine 3rd. There was a very respectably performance by some of the slower boats with Tom Moss & Harry Wood in a Feva from Elton lying 4th, and Ben Welfare in an Optimist from Leigh & Lowton in 5th place.

With light airs forecast for Sunday, a 1030 start proved to be optimistic! A katabatic breeze came in from the south, and when the OD went out to set a course, every beat somehow seemed to be to mark 8! In the end, the same course as Saturday was used, although there were regular significant swings in direction.

The wind eased before race 4, but soon after the race was started, it faded more as competing winds seemed to come from various directions, so the race was abandoned (to a big cheer from competitors) until after a lunch break with the expectation that a sea breeze would settle things down.

Once ashore, a NE breeze bedded. Again, the OD had to contend with major swings in direction when setting the course, but a suitable course area was found and race 4 restarted. The wind continued to swing throughout the race, so there were some good gains to be had if on the right side of the shifts. By the time the race finished it was too late to start the 5th and final race.

Some more consistent sailing on Sunday gave Zak and Zoe the edge to beat George and David on countback, with Oliver Mills 3rd, just one point behind.

Top Bass sailors are Matty Somerville in a Tera Pro in 17th place, Jack Exley in a Laser Radial 25th, and Katia Smith, also in a Tera Pro, in 29th place.

Final results

Overall winners Zak and Zoe Sanderson-Davies from Windermere School
