Sunshine & Wind​

Saturday’s sailors were met with bright sunshine and a strong westerly wind for the Celebrity Glass Pursuit Race.

Mik Chappell rigged his Mirror but decided it was too windy so didn’t launch. The Topper sailors who had been to Scarness for a “Push the Boat Out” picnic in a Wayfarer and an Enterprise arrived back late so the OD delayed the start, one Topper ventured out but returned to shore before the start. This left seven boats, three F15s, three GPs and Jim Christie with his grandson in the Hartley 12. Phil Davenport, the OD, set an excellent course with 2 beats, 2 runs and a reach. Jim started first but decided to retire after the first beat as his grandson was cold. The GPs went next, Alan Jones sailing with Izzie Hunter getting the best start followed by the F15s where Chris and Julie Rolle got the better of Mike/Kayla and Graham/Elaine at the start. Mike Fairlamb and Eric capsized their GP and retired, Ken and Val went the wrong way around mark 3 and retired, Alan and Izzie found the conditions too strong and also retired. That left the three F15s, Mike won from Graham followed by Chris.

Only 2 F15s ventured out in the second race Mike/Kayla winning with Graham/Elaine in second.
