Weekend Series

With the official start of summer, we could expect warmer weather, but it was not to be. After a sunny morning, the clouds moved in and the temperature dropped, but the westerly breeze held, then freshened towards the end of the afternoon.

The handicap fleet of 15 boats included a couple of GPs and a F15. The wind was strong enough for crews to sit out, but there were no capsizes. The occasional shifts enabled some position changes.

Dave/Lynn in their GP won both races on handicap, with Ian/Lezliann in a F15 and Phil/Rory in RS200 each having a 2nd and a 3rd.

Sunday brought wall to wall sunshine, with a similar WSW F2-3 throughout the day. As ever, there were some large swings in the wind direction, and occasional planing conditions. Andrew/Oscar in a 29er coped with several capsizes, but one was enough for Archie/Lily in a RS200, mainly because their boom had come adrift. Every day is a school day…

Dave/Lynn continued to master the conditions, winning all three races, and the Isel Cup overall. Phil/Rory secured a couple of 2nds, finishing 2nd overall, with Ian/Lezliann 3rd, on equal points with Alex/John in a RS400.

Final results
