Another month, another series. After a mirror like lake in the morning the wind filled in from the NE to allow racing to get underway for the mixed fleet of 10 boats. The wind did ease for a while but Joan/Jack mastered the conditions leading the fleet across the line and winning on FH and PH basis with Val/Ken 2nd on FH.
In the 2nd race the wind swung more to the East, and the rain moved in. It was Peter Whipp in his Laser that led the fleet to the finish line, but with Val/Ken close on his tail they won on FH and PH basis with Peter 2nd on FH.
Overnight positions have Val/Ken leading the FH series with Joan/Jack 2nd, and the reverse order for the PH series.
The day ended dry and the lake returned to being mirror like!
In the conclusion of the Lakeland and Border Laser Grand Prix series at Derwent Reservoir(?), Neil Garrison finished 3rd overall and Hazel Newport was First Lady overall.

Sunday was a beautiful day, with lots of sunshine, but not the best racing day. The wind filled in patchily from the South but kept coming and going. If the fleet had been ready to start on time their sailing ‘window’ might have been better. As it was the wind eased after the start, then freshened towards the end of the first lap so the OD let them carry on, and the wind eased again… It did fill in from various directions, but it wasn’t the best racing conditions. Ethan Dawson sailed with Ellie in a RS200, taking the lead on the 2nd lap to win on FH and PH basis with Joan and Jack 2nd, who presently lead both series.
The afternoon race was cancelled due to no wind, but a few of the DragonForce fleet were being test driven in the light airs. It seems that pumping the sails works on them too, so beware!!
Meanwhile the non-sailors were running – Stephen Kirkpatrick in the Keilder Marathon, and Alastair Duncan in the Cumbrian run.
Congratulations go to Andy Smith and Phil Hodgkins who sailed their new GP in the Midland Championships at Chelmarsh SC, winning overall with three bullets and a 4th. It looks like their other races were cancelled due to no wind too.