Category: News

GP14 North-West Area Championships

Light winds on Saturday lead to the postponement of a race and meant an early start on Sunday for three closely fought races held in a good breeze which helped blow away cobwebs after the effects of the night before!

PN    Boat  Helm          FleetClub             1   2   3   4 Pts
 1   13671  N THOMPSON    G    CHASE            1   4   7   1   6
 2   13686  C JEFFS       G    TRIMPLEY         4   1   2   3   6
 3   13676  J JONES       G    SSSC             5   2   1   4   7
 4   12876  I PLATT       G    BOLTON           3   5   3   2   8
 5   13681  M SENIOR      G    BOLTON          26   3   8   5  16
 6   13609  N EAVES       G    BARTLEY         10   7  15   7  24
 7   13176  D LAWSON      G    BASS             2  11  12  13  25
 8   13218  M BRENNAN     G    HLSC             7   9  20  11  27
 9   12655  S GRAHAM      G    BURWAIN          6  19  18   8  32
10   13650  A ROSE        S    RWYC            14   6  13  15  33
11   13482  J TELFORD     G    BASS           RTD  21   4  14  39
12   13687  J SINCLAIR    G    WEST LANCS      16  14  28   9  39
13   13680  N BROOK       G    HOLLINGWORTH    19  13   9  26  41
14   13225  J DIXON       S    WEST KIRBY      13  10  19  18  41
15   13463  A GILKINSON   G    CASTLE SEMPLE   11  22  11  24  44
16   13678  B KENYON      G    BUDWORTH        21  25   5  22  48
17   13484  T TAYLOR      G    SOUTH STAFFS    29  15  24  10  49
18   13371  J RILEY       S    BASS            17  18  14  29  49
19   13374  P GARDNER     G    COMBS           18 DSQ   6  27  51
20   13406  G DEIGHAN     G    BOLTON          20 DSQ  25   6  51
21   13693  P OWEN        S    SOUTH STAFFS     8  23  34  21  52
22    8162  C AUBREY      G    BOLTON          27  17  17  19  53
23   13254  A GREENHALGH  S    BASS            12  16  27  28  55
24   13561  C KNOTT       S    HOLLINGWORTH    31  28  16  12  56
25   13327  M FAIRLAMB    S    BASS            24  12  33  20  56
26   13603  A DAVEY       S    BURWAIN         15  26  32  16  57
27   13515  T HARPER      G    WEST LANCS      34  27  10  25  62
28   13164  L OWEN        S    WINSFORD FLASH  36  24  23  17  64
29   13215  G KNOX        S    HOLLINGWORTH    25  34  21  23  69
30   13683  D MIDDLETON   B    BLACKPOOL & FL  38  20  22  31  73
31   13444  J SHARMAN     S    BURWAIN         22  29  29  30  80
32   13322  S TAYLOR      S    RWYC             9  38  39  40  86
33   13630  B MOSEDALE    B    WEST KIRBY      30  30  30  32  90
34   13115  J WADDINGTON  B    BOLTON          32  35  31  33  96
35   13453  P DUTTON      B    WEST KIRBY      42  31  35  36 102
36   13701  N HARRISON    B    HORBURY         28  42  42  35 105
37   13113  J CRUICKSHAN  B    BASS            33  40  37  38 108
38    6425  R MARSDEN     B    B&FYC           46 DSQ  26  37 109
39   13633  N PLATT       G    BOLTON / WEST  DSQ   8 DNS DNS 110
40   12682  E SMITH       B    BASS            41  33  36  43 110
41   13142  A HODGKINS    B    BASS            37  39  40  34 110
42   13338  A MONK        B    GLOSSOP         48  32  38  42 112
43   13340  M MITCHELL    B    WINSFORD FLASH  39  37  43  39 115
44   13075  R DIN         B    HOLLINGWORTH    35  41  41  41 117
45   13467  T KNOWLES     S    BASS            23 DNS DNS DNS 125
46   11772  D HOOK        B    WEST LANCS      40  36 DNS DNS 127
47   13013  N LEWIS       B    BASS            47  43  45  44 132
48   12220  R BALDWIN     B    WINSFORD FLASH  43  44  47  45 132
49    6642  J SHARP       B    BASS            44  45  46  47 135
50   10822  R COY         B    BASS            45 DNS  44  46 135

                              Points for RTD = 51  49  48  48
                              Points for DSQ = 51  49  48  48
                              Points for DNS = 51

 3 races to count


Overall winner Neil Thompson and Andy Hateley
2nd - Carl and Adrian Jeffs 1st in silver fleet - Alistair and Andrew Rose1st lady, 3rd in bronze fleet - Julie and Chris Waddington



AT Cup

Although no-one seems to know the real reason behind the name for this series (suggestions to the mailbox please) it has proved to be an important turning point for the various club championships.



PN    Boat  Helm            1   2   3   4   5 Pts
 1    3673  S BEATTIE       1   1   1   1   1   3
 2    3560  I CAMPBELL      3   2   2   5   4   7
 3    3268  W CARRUTHERS  DNS DNS   3   2   2   7
 4    3332  W SOMERVILLE    2   4   4   6   5  10
 5    3473  M MOORE         4   3   5   4   3  10
 6    3293  I PRESTON     DNS DNS DNS   3   6  18
 7     231  M PARRY        OD DNS DNS DNS DNS  21
 8    2504  K THOMAS      DNS DNS DNS   7   7  23

          Points for RTD =  5   5   6   8   8
          Points for DSQ =  5   5   6   8   8
          Points for DNS =  9

 3 races to count

The 5 firsts achieved by Scott Beattie and John Somerville were sufficient to secure the Flying 15 Club Championship with nine races to go!… Read full article “AT Cup”
