Laser, Solo and Tera Open 2021

Light airs early morning caused a slight delay to the start of racing for the 37 sailors across three fleets.

Half the Solo fleet were OCS on their first start, but as none returned they headed in for an early lunch. The wind held for the first half hour of the race, but then eased for a while, before picking up at the end.

After the lunch break, the wind freshened throughout the afternoon with the help of the sea breeze, and created some good planing conditions, challenging gybe marks, and caused  numerous capsizes.

In the Lasers, Tim Keighley from West Riding won the first two races to secure the series trophy, with Greg Liggins from Derwent Reservoir 2nd, and our own Commodore Jon Denwood 3rd.

The Solo and Tera fleets each were dependant on the final race to determine overall winners. After some close racing in the Solos, Robbie D won the final race and the Open trophy, with John Reekie 2nd, and Tony King from Derwent Reservoir 3rd.

In the Teras, Katia Smith sailed well to win the 2nd and 3rd races, and the Open trophy, with Matthew Somerville 2nd and Henry Bullen 3rd.

Final Results

Laser winner Tim Keighley from West Riding
Solo winner Robin Dawson from Bass
Tera winner Katia Smith from Bass
