On Saturday there was a one day open for Lasers, Solos, and Teras with an entry of 25 boats over the three fleets. Warm weather had returned with a forecast of light F2 winds gusting F3 generally from the SSE.
Racing got underway on time at 11am with just one Laser, Richard Benson from Tynemouth, being OCS, and having to return. Greg Liggins from Derwent Reservoir generally led the Lasers, but there was some close competition at times, especially as the wind veered to the SW enabling Sale Fell to cast a shadow on the second beat in the course, resulting in drifting conditions at the top of the leg. When the fleets escaped the wind shadow, the wind had freshened and veered more to the west. Being close on Greg’s transom at the final leeward mark, Andy Thomas used the wind shift to his advantage by freeing off for speed, and taking the win.
The start line was relocated for the 2nd race, but the fresh winds at the end of the 1st race had eased, and continued to swirl, so there was an earlier than planned lunch break during which the wind seemed to settle back from the west.
A windward/leeward course was set for the 2nd race, and again the only helm too eager with his port on port start, and caught OCS, was Richard Benson but he failed to return. The wind strength varied but the direction was steady until the final beat when the wind veered more to the NNW, and another wind shadow enveloped the windward mark.
The start line was moved for the final race, but, frustratingly, the wind backed soon after racing was underway, so the race was shortended after three laps.
In the Lasers, Greg won the final two races to win overall, with Andy 2nd. Local Alex Reed had led most of the final race, but finishing 2nd to Greg pulled him up the ranks to 3rd overall.
In the Solos, there were different winners for each race with only two points separating the first four boats. Andy Carter from Leigh & Lowton winning overall, with John Reekie from Bass 2nd, and Rory Yardley 3rd.
In the Teras, Andrew Reekie had three straight wins, Oscar Davenport three 2nds, and Oliver Smith three 3rds, finishing in that order overall.