Would you please convey a very big thank you to all those people who worked so hard yesterday moving boats to safety and moved flying fifteens to a normally safe area but after a massive rise in lake level some people have then moved all the flying fifteens again this morning as the lake was so unbelievably high.
A very special thanks to the rescue boat lads as yesterday even the toughest members had gone home wet ,tired and cold they kept on moving boats and equipment in pouring rain and even launched a rescue boat and went out to the Bates and did a job on that in an absolute gale. Thanks lads.
I don’t know just who was there but Daphne Beck, Mike Chappell, Mike Turner, Alan Nicholson John Prestridge were some of the people I saw when I arrived late afternoon but a big thank you to all who helped it was very much appreciated by all the members.
Keith Thomas