October 8/9

The Autumn Saturday series got underway this weekend albeit a week late. The forecast gusts put a couple of Solo sailors off, but in reality the conditions were less challenging than expected, and the wind eased throughout the course of the afternoon. The sun shone, and the nearby rain showers mainly missed th e race area!

There were some exciting planing conditions at times. James/Jenny in their were caught out at the first gybe mark, capsized, and subsequently retired. Jeff/Dave in a RS200 had numerous capsizes between, and during, the races before retiring as well.

Phil/Oscar in their RS200 sailed well in the first race securing 1st place, with Mike/Jack in a Graduate and Neil in a Laser sharing 2nd and 3rd. Alex/Saskia in their Mirror won the next race. Back in their RS400, Scumper/Zefer were 2nd, and Mike/Jack 3rd which was enough to put them in overall lead.

Autumn Saturday Series latest results

The gustier conditions forecast for Sunday didn’t look bad on the webcam, but in reality the gusts were coming through, and the two helms that turned up had second thoughts. Racing was abandoned for the day.
