Another One That Got Away!

Hi all – When I collected my boat on 1 March for much needed painting etc, I had set off back home only to find between Junction 40 & 39 on the M6 that I had left my boat cover behind. So – back I went. The attached pic was taken when I arrived at the club earlier in the day for the first time.

When I returned, I thought I’d just stretch my legs a bit and walked round the corner of the club house to see an otter gambolling in the water just beyond the grassy point in the attached pic. Needless to say I did not have camera or phone this time – So – it’s like the proverbial story about ‘The One that got way?? !!! ….’ Honest – I really did see an otter, and it made me feel quite privileged. There had been some guys working on the Race Hut in the morning, but they’d gone by the time I returned about 2pm-ish

I gather no sightings of the otters have been reported since the floods.

All the best

Simon Thelwall  Member No 145 – Wayfarer ‘Misful’
