Category: News

73rd AGM

At the 73rd Annual General Meeting held in the clubhouse on Sunday 1st December 2024 the following members were elected on to Council.

Commodore Joe Roberts
Vice-Commodore Ant Woodyer
Secretary Stephen Kirkpatrick
Treasurer Mike Cave
Sailing Secretary John Reekie
Rear Commodore Ian and Andrea Preston
Asst Sailing Secretary Dave Lawson
Bar Lucy Thomas & Sarah Hodgkins
Boats & Buoys Alex Leonard
Galley – Lindsay Barron & Christine Steele
Grounds & JettiesMark Somerville
HouseAlan Jones and Sue Watson
MembershipJude Allen
PRO Paul Allen
Training Emma Davenport
Safety Officer Kevin Andrew
Safety Team Manager Mike Hunter
Ellie Preston

Fleet Captains
Flying 15 Ian Preston
GP14James Macgregor
Mirror Naomi Smith
Handicap Neil Campbell
TeraJames Reekie

The commodore thanked outgoing council members for their input and efforts during their time in office.… Read full article “73rd AGM”

Annual Dinner Dance

79 members and guests attended the 72nd annual prizegiving dinner dance at the Skiddaw Hotel in Keswick on Saturday night.

Following speeches by the joint commodores Ian and Andrea Preston reviewing their two years in office, with a look into the future as to the roles the younger generation may well undertake for the club, Andrea presented the perpetual trophies that had been won throughout the closing season.

Storm Bert

The forecast weather conditions due to storm Bert are unlikely to encourage anyone to even venture down the club tomorrow so it has been decided to cancel racing and bring the season to a premature close.

We understand several boats may have been damaged in the storm overnight, and, with continued high winds forecast, it’s worth making sure your boat is well secured.… Read full article “Storm Bert”
