We had everything for the first Thursday evening. A flight of four engine aircraft at minimum height, a spectacular rainbow, a chilly NW wind and, eventually, some rain. Oh, and 12 boats out on the lake, one crewed by a national champion!
The OD’s course was 0-B-9-A which gave three kite legs. This suited the Geeps although it was Neil’s Radial which made the initial impression shadowing Andy Smith / Andy Tunnicliffe and copying their tactics. Chefs for the evening AJ / Sue were also well up but both they and Neil eventually dropped back allowing the GP trio of Mike / Eric, Joan / Jack, Val / Ken through. Paul’s Laser was next up followed by Jon Anson – in a ff no less with Kayla crewing a few seconds ahead of Jim and Poppy in the Wanderer.
A battered and bruised John capsized his Pico but gamely continued to finish on 2 laps. Then came Bob Gate in his Radial who was well into a third lap before he realised he had finished, and Steve / Simon in the L2000.