Sailing Experience Comes to an End
Last Tuesday brought this season’s helping hand for newcomers to an end. More than 30 people have taken the opportunity to benefit from other’s experience and guidance, and were all successful in navigating a dinghy around a triangular course after only a few weeks.… Read full article “Sailing Experience Comes to an End”
GP14 North West Area Championships
A strong fleet of 40 boats took to the water on the first day of the GP14 NW Area Championships. The winds picked up over the afternoon, and many places were won and lost on various beats. It seemed like the GP fleet were either too keen, or had poor stopwatches, but the OD made sure they practised their starts until they got them right.… Read full article “GP14 North West Area Championships”
Gone Fishin’?…
.. that could be one of the few explanations as to why William Carruthers and Lesley Braddock used the genniker as a trawl net and let Neil Currie expand his lead in the second race of the weekend series. Neil and Judith had taken the lead from William in the first race as the wind ebbed and flowed as the fleet rounded mark 7 just off Scarness Bay.… Read full article “Gone Fishin’?…”
Thursday Evening Sailing
The winds were a reasonably steady force 2, but the direction was unusual and very variable! The OD set an excellent windward leg towards buoy 2 from the middle of the lake – at least it was excellent until about 5 seconds before the start gun when it turned into a fetch.… Read full article “Thursday Evening Sailing”
Further Migration to RS400s
Having sold their GP a couple of weeks ago, the Hodgkins boys have taken the plunge and bought an RS400. Since Ginge spent his birthday, collecting the boat from North Wales (but this time he didn’t endure that Landrover journey!), he wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to take the boat out for a spin.… Read full article “Further Migration to RS400s”
FF Open
Stormy conditions on Saturday afternoon proved to be too much for champions Steve Goacher and Phil Evans to contemplate, so they sat back and watched the rest of the fleet battle around the course. With the wind coming down the lake, the waves had plenty of chance to build up and wash down several spinnaker chutes!… Read full article “FF Open”
Have you heard the one about….
….the Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman and an Italian? While most of the population were watching some football match last Thursday, the Englishman preferred sailing to football and the Irishman and the Scot preferred anything to watching England play football. The Italian said ‘What football competition?’… Read full article “Have you heard the one about….”
Waiting for wind
The weekend’s sailing at the club saw the conclusion of the first set of long series, but the damp forecast and lack of wind was enough to cause several would be sailors to find something else to do. Dave and Lynn Lawson secured the Spring Cup with two firsts, Hugh and Rhonwen did give them a challenge but managed to inexplicably tip their boat in and go for a swim.… Read full article “Waiting for wind”
All Change?
With William Carruthers having just completed the move from Flying 15 to RS400, it seems there are several moves in the air. Dave Nicholson will be getting a new GP, Phil and Rich Hodgkins are between boats – will it be a GP?,… Read full article “All Change?”