Whitsun Bank Holiday 2016
The start of half term, another Bank Holiday, and another camping weekend resulted in the unusual sight of a revision/homework table in the clubhouse on Friday night.
Saturday was delightfully sunny, and despite a forecast for very light airs, the wind did fill in to get racing underway.… Read full article “Whitsun Bank Holiday 2016”
Weekend Update
While the club held the RYA Push the Boat Out weekend promoting our beloved sport to all, Andy and Phil were at the GP Inlands at Bala finishing a creditable 4th after lying 8th overnight (perhaps they removed their caps?!).
Meanwhile two club F15s were sailing in the Northern championship at Derwent Reservoir.… Read full article “Weekend Update”
Sun Filled Weekend
Saturday started with another well attended training session. The wind, though patchy initially, filled in from the north west and backed to the west as the afternoon went on.
There was a good mix of boats across the four fleets, together with some close racing.… Read full article “Sun Filled Weekend”
Night Jar 3
This time we had wind! A constant force 4 Easterly. Alex set a course from 0 of B-1-0 which was deliberately short so he put up 6 laps. What he didn’t reckon on was the speed of the Musto Skiff and lap times of 5 mins!… Read full article “Night Jar 3”
Sad News
We have just learned of the sudden and unexpected death, albeit after a long fight with cancer, of former member Bob Pitt who was a keen and active member in the 1980s, sailing in the GP fleet with his wife Helen, and they regularly toured on the GP circuit.… Read full article “Sad News”
RYA North West Junior Traveller Trophy
On Saturday 7 May Bassenthwaite hosted a round of the RYA North West Junior Travellers Trophy. Among the 14 sailors there were visitors from as far afield as Leigh & Lowton. The day was much warmer than recently with sun and a nice North Easterly F3.… Read full article “RYA North West Junior Traveller Trophy”
Night Jar 2
The wind was extremely light last Thursday and it was no different for this second round. There were 13 starters and an X-shaped course 0-9-B-A. The starboard pin was alongside the Bates and Mike & Eric’s GP were luffed into the Bates.… Read full article “Night Jar 2”
North West Junior Traveller Trophy
On Saturday 7th May, the club will host one of the RYA NWJTT series events. There will be no club racing on Saturday. Please let Lucy Thomas or Mike Hunter know if you are available to help in the galley or on rescue.
May Day Bank Holiday 2016
There’s a busy weekend ahead as, in addition to club racing, we are holding the RS Tera Northerns and a Catapult open.
Busy is an understatement – a fleet of 35 Teras sailed two races, then club racing took place including a fleet of 10 Catapults, followed by another two races for the Teras.… Read full article “May Day Bank Holiday 2016”