Sunday’s forecast of F2 gusting F3 from the SW was somewhat elusive when sailors arrived, keen to race. Unexpectedly the wind filled in from the NE, only to fade again. When the SW breeze appeared racing got underway, but the shifting winds caused flat spots at both gybe marks despite holding for the main beat!… Read full article “Unsettled Sunday”
Laser, Solo and Tera Open 2023
On Saturday there was a one day open for Lasers, Solos, and Teras with an entry of 25 boats over the three fleets. Warm weather had returned with a forecast of light F2 winds gusting F3 generally from the SSE.
Racing got underway on time at 11am with just one Laser, Richard Benson from Tynemouth, being OCS, and having to return.… Read full article “Laser, Solo and Tera Open 2023”
Bass to the rescue!
While waiting for enthusiastic sailors to appear and prepare to race in the blustery conditions, a report from a lady worried that her husband hadn’t returned after some wild swimming led to Bass rescue rushing out to track him down. Fortunately he had been seen earlier, with fluorescent float, so they soon spotted him again and reunited him with his wife.… Read full article “Bass to the rescue!”
Summer is here!
With the warm weather set to remain for a few more days at least, and, for a change, with a forecast of strong, gusty winds all weekend, there was a lower than usual turnout for the championship weekend series. Those that turned up were pleasantly surprised that conditions were less gusty than forecast, and very sailable,
There were a couple of capsizes, but sailors enjoyed some good planing conditions, especially in the first race.… Read full article “Summer is here!”
Sad News
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Caroline Storey. It is heartbreaking for so many Bass members, especially her close family.
Before joining Bass, Caroline was a Bass Week regular, often seen smiling on the trapeze of the infamous Orvil, or in the bar drinking gin fizz.… Read full article “Sad News”
RYA Regional Junior Championship 2023
A busy weekend hosting the RYA Junior Championship had over 150 helms competing in nine fleets with seven races scheduled.
The morning SE breeze veered to the SW mid morning, but when the course mark laying was nearing completion, the backed to the SE again with a light 2-4kts.… Read full article “RYA Regional Junior Championship 2023”
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!
Saturday had the hottest day of the year with temperatures reaching 28C, and there was SE force 4 to boot! Though the wind eased slightly from time to time, the champagne conditions continued throughout the afternoon for the first two races in the weekend Fleet Challenge series
The was some great planing conditions to be enjoyed by all, but only one capsize.… Read full article “Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!”
Sun Filled Weekend
The sunny weather continued into the weekend with temperatures in the low 20s. The forecast NE wind proved to be as shifty and variable as the previous weekend. Being the end of half term, and several members competing in the Mirror National Championships in Brightlinsea, there was just one fleet racing on Saturday.… Read full article “Sun Filled Weekend”
Whit Bank Holiday 2023
The forecast for the third bank holiday this month was unusually good. Fortunately, it seemed to be accurate on Saturday, with bright spells, and a warm wind from the west offering good planing conditions, it was another dose of champagne sailing conditions (not that some of the Friday evening revellers could perhaps face a drink!).… Read full article “Whit Bank Holiday 2023”
Another High
High pressure on Saturday again squeezed out the likelihood of good winds, but there was enough to wind to get racing underway. The general wind direction was from the north, but, as ever, it did swing from time to time.
Banter/Oscar in their RS200 led the handicap fleet in both races, finishing with a 1st and 2nd, with some close competition from Neil/Archie in their RS200 finishing 2nd and 5th, but Mike/Jack in their Graduate were in close contention, finishing 3rd and 1st to hold the lead in the series.… Read full article “Another High”