Grant Application Update

Members will recall from the AGM information and discussions that the club had submitted a grant application to the Olympic Heritage fund to aid the purchase of additional training boats and a refurbishment of the ladies’ changing rooms. We have just been informed that it was unsuccessful as we had not demonstrated that there was latent demand to participate in sailing which would be freed up by the provision of additional Olympic Laser class club boats or renovating the ladies changing room.

Hedgehogs Take to the Water!

Hedgehogs are coming to the rescue of fish in Bassenthwaite Lake through an innovative project being used for the first time in an English lake.

The Environment Agency and partners are creating a safe haven for fish by installing three separate artificial reefs on the lake bed using ‘hedgehogs’ to provide shelter and create safe places for the fish to hide from predators.… Read full article “Hedgehogs Take to the Water!”

61st AGM

At the 61st Annual General Meeting held in the Clubhouse on Sunday 1st December 2012 there were several important proposals to be considered, and they stimulated extensive discussions.

The main points that were agreed:

  • Subscriptions to rise by 5% from 1st January
  • Affiliated membership amended to be aligned with other categories, though at a discounted rate
  • Rules re visitors and temporary members brought into line with current licensing laws
  • Bye-law introduced prohibiting members/visitors bringing their own alcohol into the clubhouse while the bar is open
  • On dissolution, the remaining assets of the club to be transferred to RYA (or equivalent) for the benefit of sailing in Cumbria

Prior to all that the following members were elected on to Council.… Read full article “61st AGM”
