All Dressed Up…

Have the storms passed through – uncertain. The forecast is not quite as breezy as was being forecast yesterday, but the conditions still seem challenging!

Perhaps the rescue crews had a whiff of the forecast, as they’d either slept in or been partying well last night! However, several boats were prepared and the helms and crews got ready whilst waiting for the rescue team to arrive, and racing got under way by Noon. Jim Christie was the first to capsize in his laser, or was he just having a rest? Then Alan Nicholson went swimming, but that was enough for him to call it a day and retire gracefully (before the race got under way).

Conditions were frustrating, there were blustery gusts and downdraughts as the wind wrapped itself around Sale Fell. Although William and Elaine got away in the early gusts, the holes seemed to follow them around and Ian Macpherson with Mike Fairlamb, in Tim’s F15 proved difficult to shake off. Jim Christie was doing well after the start, and held off Ian Macpherson for a while. Lewis Tyson and Jo Watkins sailed around together, but Jo had a capsize which focussed the OD’s mind on shortening the race. On the final fetch to the finish, William was headed off from the lay line and only just finished ahead of Ian who had been able to lay the mark directly.

Over the lunch break the wind picked up and the white horses were very visible even when looking down the wind, so the OD cancelled racing for the rest of the day
