Views were unanimous. This was the best Members’ social event at the Clubhouse for quite a while. Claire, Lucy and Kirstie had pulled out all the stops. There were immaculate tartan table covers and serviettes plus a wee dram of whisky at each place setting.… Read full article “Bass’ Burns Night Supper”
Subscription Renewals
In the early hours of New Year’s day, our membership system, WebCollect, auto generated renewals and emailed members the categories that are being renewed, and the method of collection.
A subsequent email seems to have caused some confusion resulting in various members duplicating their subscription order.… Read full article “Subscription Renewals”
High Winds
It has been noticed that a Supernova has been blown off its trailer and is on its side leaning onto another boat. No obvious damage at present, but it needs lifting onto its trailer and tied down.
With the current round of high winds, pop down to the club and check your boat is secure and safe.… Read full article “High Winds”
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Wishing all our members, friends and visitors a very merry Christmas
Cowes Classic Week
Graham Kirkpatrick has brought our attention to an article from Cowes week which is an interesting read if you fancy a spot of light reading over Christmas
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Stop Press!
The last Sunday before Christmas was very wild, but so mild the only place Santa found some snow to park on was Skiddaw so he had to hitch a lift to the club in one of our Dories.
While waiting for his arrival, there were games, face painting, and a tea party.… Read full article “Stop Press!”
63rd AGM
Mark Somerville has been elected Commodore at the 63rd AGM held in the clubhouse.
In addition the following were elected to support him for the forthcoming year.
Vice-Commodore- Robin Dawson
Hon Treasurer – William Carruthers
Hon Secretary – Pauline Nicholson
Hon Sailing Secretary – Jon Denwood
Boats/Buoys-Phil Davenport
Grounds-Mike Cowan
Asst Sailing Sec-Lezli-Ann Pearson
House-Alan Jones
PRO-Mik Chappell
Bar-Stephen Kirkpatrick
Safety-Chris Rolle
Galley-Lucy Thomas
Training-Neil Garrison
Membership-Dave Lawson
Social-Claire Duncan
Fleet Captains
Handicap-Phil Davenport
F15-Graham Kirkpatrick
Mirrors-Mik Chappell
GPs-Mike Fairlamb
Topper/Laser-Neil Garrison
Hon Auditor-Kirstie Somerville
Some healthy discussions were held on various aspects of membership and sailing, and an inflationary increase of subscriptions was agreed.… Read full article “63rd AGM”
It’s All Over
What little breeze there was this morning quickly disappeared leaving a mirror like lake, and the OD quickly hoisted N over A to abandon the final race of the season. Joan/Jack were not displeased and they had turned up to defend their lead in the series, but their competition may have been limited due to a lack of interest after last night’s annual dinner
Annual Dinner 2014
The annual dinner dance was held at Hundith Hill Hotel last night, and was attended by 80 members and guests, including Bass Week friends Kevin Bilham and Gary Ungless and their wifes. In fact their efforts to attend were recognised during Commodore Andy Smith’s speech and alternate prize giving when they were awarded a a spare trailer wheel (due to be proudly displayed in the home club of Ely!).… Read full article “Annual Dinner 2014”