Mellor Mug/Isel Cup/Commodore’s Prize/Orsova Cup/Weekend C 2014
Jak Pot/May Holiday/Lyne Tankard/Peel Pot/Weekend B 2014
Easter Trophy/Easterly Trophy/Bass Tankard/Image Trophy/Weekend A 2014
Dawson Trophy/Skiddaw Trophy/Autumn Cup/Bates Trophy/Long C 2014
Blencathra Trophy/Dodd Cup/Mustard Pot/AB/Long B 2014
Morgan Trophy/Barf Trophy/Spring Cup/Red Sails/Long A 2014
Club Championship 2014
Training 2013
On 15 Dec 2013 17 youth squad students and parents descended on Workington’s 10 Pin Bowling Alley.
As most of us were beginners the owners of the alley had kindly put down guides to make sure that all balls would knock down at least one skittle.… Read full article “Training 2013”