Weekend Series 26/27 June

Another glorious day for sailing, but the morning wind had faded at lunchtime. Before afternoon racing started the wind came back from the south only to be counteracted by a SW sea breeze 15 mins into racing!

Toggle must have still been hyped up after his weekend jaunt to Nothampton because he got into two tussles on the start line, both of which he should have had to turns for!.… Read full article “Weekend Series 26/27 June”

Fleet Challenge

From a hazy, overcast morning with no wind, a light breeze quickly filled in from the north east. There were occasional holes, but the fleet generally kept moving even if at a slow pace.

Telf opted to sail his Mirror single handed, and went for a port on port start only to be challenged by a Merlin Rocket, F15 and RS400 – that didn’t stop him going on to win the race from Mike Fairlamb, if only by a few secs.… Read full article “Fleet Challenge”


Here’s a pic of the Lawson family from Bass Week over 40 years ago!

Some things never change – Jack, Carol and David look just the same, while Pete is half naked – as usual!


