GP14 Open


First day of Summer! Somewhat overcast, but the wind doth blow (a bit at least), from the forecast SW direction. The wind is due to pick up later in the afternoon, and give a good blast tomorrow!

The first race was all set for starting on time, until the final couple of minutes before the start when there was 60degree windshift that forced the OD to postpone and rethink.… Read full article “GP14 Open”

Soggy Sunday

It’s clear that we can’t have everything. The sun went, but the wind came back (in a fashion) accompanied by a little drizzle

Racing comprised the Asymmetric Cup and the Max Joule Memorial Trophy. The Asymmetric Cup is run using a windward leeward course and the OD realised that there was a need for a a medium to large sausage (Elaine and Dave couldn’t keep a straight face for some reason!)… Read full article “Soggy Sunday”
