Weekend 4/5 September

After the extended camping weekend and prior to the 7-week A66 weekend roadworks, on Saturday a south easterly breeze took all 3 fleets on a lopsided beat to the infamous gap, during which no matter about the odd change in wind direction, ‘keep going left before heading to the windward mark’ was the mantra. (Just took some of us longer to listen.) After which the spinnaker colours easily identify the dinghies, as they were rarely dropped during some mild/pleasant planning conditions

Sunday morning’s wind strength and direction started much the same at 7 gusting 12 mph. The reduced numbers of boats saw everyone join the handicap fleet. In the afternoon with the sun shining a very enterprising (and loud!) OD started the fleet at mark 7 up to the top of the lake. Chris with his daughter led the beat in the Pennant race in his graduate that seems to point straight into the wind. A lead that although diminished, he never relinquished.

Latest results DW etc

Final results RNLI Pennant

