Author: Webmaster

Bonfire Night

After a lot of hard work, there was another successful bonfire night at the club

Thanks to all that helped with building and lighting the bonfire, arranging the firework display, as well as providing the hotdogs, and staffing the bar.

Winter Trophy

Now that November is here, it is Sunday only racing (isn’t it Mik?!) for the Winter Trophy. There was a cold light wind that picked up slightly over the course of the morning, and light rain to boot!

Eight boats competed, no capsizes, with some close racing and four boats finishing less than 17 secs apart on handicap in the morning race, two of which tied – AJ/Sue and Peter.… Read full article “Winter Trophy”

F15 Team Racing

Due to various other commitments, numerous regulars are not available for the planned team racing on 26/27 October, so, due to low anticipated attendance, it has been decided to cancel this year’s event.

Club racing will continue as planned.
