Easter Weekend

After some varied weather conditions through the morning, the skies cleared for racing, but some of the shadows on the lake made the white horses visible, and that was looking down the wind! Consequently there was just two F15s and four single handers prepared to race.

The OD was kind to the F15s and let them do one lap more than the single handers, just enough for them to call it a day when the came in between races, with Mike/Kayla taking the win. However, the winds eased slightly during the break, so the handicap fleet raced again. Rob Cook won the first race in his Solo, and Dave Lawson won the second in his Laser.

Latest results

As forecast, the rain clouds moved in, and the winds eased, but there was still a reluctance to get on the water! The first race suffered from major wind shifts, and pockets of very light airs, but the rain held off. The closest finish of the race was in the Mirrors between Bean and Sandy Simpson which, after some defensive cover tacking, was won by Bean.

The wind settled in to the west, and strengthened, for the remaining races of the day. There was some good planing conditions, a couple of capsizes, and the day ended with the first protest of the season between who else but Mike and Simon! Simon/Jon are the overnight leaders in the F15. Dave/Lynn lead the GPs with 3 wins, Scumper leads the Handicap fleet, and Bean leads the Mirrors.

Unexpectedly, for a Bank holiday, the sun was finding its way through the clouds, but the wind took its time settling down to the forecast NE-NW direction. Racing did start about 1pm but it proved challenging in the swinging, variable, winds. The wind shifts varied from laying the beat on starboard tack for the leaders, through beating for middle of the fleet, and laying the beat on port tack for others! Perhaps not the best conditions, but better than sitting on the shore wanting to sail.

The final outcome after two further races in the GPs and Handicap fleet was the same as the previous night, with Dave/Lynn winning the Bass Tankard, and Scumper, winning the Easter Trophy. Mike/Kayla won the F15s Easterley Trophy and Sandy the Mirror/Topper Image Trophy

Final results

Next weekend we host the Great North Asymmetric Challenge. Racing starts at 1pm
