Fun and Games

After a beautiful start to the morning the cloud came in together with another cool north easterly breeze. Pre race discussions revealed some of the events of yesterday, notably an incident between Mik and Mike. Mike’s version being that he was sailing merrily on starboard tack, chatting to Kayla, when suddenly Mik came in on port and rammed him. The collision was sufficient to do a bit of damage to the mirror, and if it hadn’t of been a flat end to start with it would be now!

As boats were setting off for the start the onshore wind proved a challenge for several, especially Hugh sailing a Vareo in his first race of the season as he ended up in the reed beds with Dave Wright in an RS200.

In the Asymmetric Cup, Andy Smith sailed his RS200 single handed and was able to trounce his brother Bean, partly due to taking better advantage of the offwind gusts, but his result would not count due to not having a crew. Shunty started at the wrong end of the line and had to work his way up the fleet, but on the second beat he and Ruth were on port tack as Joan and Jack were running towards the mark on starboard. Shunty reckoned both boats luffed up, but at the end of the race he retired, although he won on the water. Although William and Elaine were next to finish, on handicap it was Bean and Naomi that won on handicap. The driest wetsuit award goes to Naomi – she wasn’t going to go over the top of her wet boots so left Bean to get her close enough to the shore so she could step out into shallow water, and left Bean to struggle getting the boat on the trailer and bringing it ashore

In the MJM Trophy fleet, Mike Moore led even though he couldn’t remember where mark 1 was from the previous day (even if it was nowhere near where it should be!). Ian Macpherson was late for the start having been told by Herb that the MJM fleet was starting, only to find he told the asymmetrics they were starting second!

Perhaps sanity will be restored for the second race, but that seems unlikely

During the lunch break the wind seemed to have strengthened to some like Saturday’s strength, and certainly on the beat many had to work to keep their boats flat. However, offwind the power didn’t seem to be there and it was a struggle for the ‘faster’ to break clear. Although Shunty broke away in the asymmetric fleet, William struggled to stay ahead of Joan and Jack Hardy! Toggle almost got a mention for failing to keep up with Hugh, but Hugh slipped back and Toggle secured a 3rd on handicap behind Joan, and Bean. Anyway Toggle, opted to have a go in the Vago with T and duly caused a capsize as they came ashore – Bean reckoned it was because Tog was floundering in the bottom of the boat instead of being out on the wire

In the MJM fleet, Mike Fairlamb came out on top in front of Scumper in his laser, with Mike Moore slipping back to 5th

Flying 15 open is being held next weekend alongside club racing
