Sad News

It is with sadness that we have learned of the death of Beth Dawson, mother of past commodore Robin.

Beth passed away yesterday at home with Robin by her side. She went peacefully and without pain.

She wasn’t able to come down this year due to illness but some of the old guard will remember her coming to the Club with her late husband John who was an active member for many years, both on and off the water.… Read full article “Sad News”

Stormy Saturday

Wind, rain and sunshine are just a selection of the weather conditions on Saturday.

Although the forecast was for gusty conditions, three Laser sailors turned up and were tempted by the conditions to venture out, all using the radial sails! The OD used a shore line start, and with the conditions being gustier than appreciated, had a grandstand view of the various capsizes that all helms suffered.… Read full article “Stormy Saturday”
