Winter Series

The personal handicaps are causing the usual upsets! Mike Fairlamb led the first race by miles and miles but came 2nd last once the handicaps were calculated. The weather was much improved on the gales suffered in the district yesterday, and the lasers all used full rigs, but there was still the odd capsize – Alan Nicholson, Paul Burnell, and Mike Fairlamb to name but a few.

Winter Sets In

The clocks have changed, bonfire night’s over, the night’s are colder (as is the lake!), November’s here, it’s Sunday only racing, and the final series of the season has started – the Winter Trophy.

Compared to the last few weeks, there was a good breeze – enough for Roy and Kayla to crash and burn, but then so did Alan Nicholson in his Vario, and John and Joan Hardie in their RS200.… Read full article “Winter Sets In”

Antiques Roadshow

For anyone that watched an item on this week’s Antiques Roadshow about a diary and skeleton keys kept by a prisoner of war, it may be of interest that they belonged to our very own former commodore and trustee, the late Harry Kirk.
