Sad News

It is with great sadness that we have learned that Herb Telford died peacefully on 29 November.

We were pleased that he attended the annual prize giving on Saturday to receive the much deserved Consistency Trophy

Herb has been a big part of the club over the 40 or so years he has been a member, having taken on roles on house committee, bar, vice-Commodore, Commodore and more recently (well for the last 20+ years) official starter.… Read full article “Sad News”

67th AGM

The 67th Annual General Meeting held in the Clubhouse on Sunday 25th November 2018

Members agreed the following subscriptions for 2019

Ordinary – £185 increasing from 1st April to £205
Family – £90 increasing from 1st April to £100

Senior £130 increasing from 1st April to £145
Junior – £45 increasing from 1st April to £50
Affiliated – £95 increasing from 1st April to £105
Affiliated Family – £50 increasing from 1st April to £55
Country – £95 increasing from 1st April to £105

Bank Holiday Camping – Tents £18/weekend (£42/season)
Bank Holiday Camping – Caravans/CamperVans £25/weekend (£60/season)

Having completed two years in post, Robin Dawson stepped down, and Naomi Smith was elected as Commodore along with the following members on to Council.… Read full article “67th AGM”

Annual Dinner

2018 annual prize giving and dinner dance was held at the Crown Hotel, Wetheral and attended by 90 members and their guests. Commodore Robin Dawson gave a brief resume of the season before presenting the trophies.

Vice Commodore Naomi Smith thanked Robin for his efforts over his two years as Commodore and presented him with a photo






  Flying Fifteen Club Championship
Brackenrigg Cup (1st) Mike Moore & Michaela Sheard
Anderson Trophy (2nd) Ian Campbell & Lezli-Ann Pearson
  Wheel Trophy (3rd) Neil Currie & Rory Yardley
  Maurice Dalton Memorial Trophy (4th) Angus Corry & Mike Hunter
Lawson Trophy (1st classic) Wendy & John Somerville
  Handicap Club Championship
  Osprey Trophy (1st) Joe Roberts
Read full article “Annual Dinner”

Wonders Never Cease

The final racing day of the season started with a light south-easterly in glorious sunshine. The sunshine stayed all day, but the breeze didn’t!

AJ/Sue holding their nerve as they approach the finish

With seven boats racing, the Bates took to the water, for a change, and set a course to mark 8, but soon after the start the wind eased, and then started to fill in lightly from the East.… Read full article “Wonders Never Cease”

Annual Prize Giving

So we can prepare for our Annual Prize Giving Dinner Dance, please can last year’s prizewinners return all club racing trophies to the Committee Room by Friday November 16 at the latest.

Flying Fifteen Club Championship
Brackenrigg Cup (1st)Mike Moore & Michaela Sheard
Anderson Trophy (2nd)Ian Campbell & Lezli-Ann Pearson
Wheel Trophy (3rd)Neil Currie & Rory Yardley
Maurice Dalton Memorial Trophy (4th)Angus Corry & Mike Hunter
Lawson Trophy (1st classic)Wendy & John Somerville
Handicap Club Championship
Osprey Trophy (1st)Joe Roberts
Read full article “Annual Prize Giving”
