Author: Webmaster

Ladies, Crews, Juniors, Seniors Race 2016

It was a pleasant evening with a SW3/4 blowing. The Sailing Secretary set a line upwind of 3 with the course being 0-1-A-3. There were 14 starters.
 Ken helming the GP tacked off onto port following the start and it initially seemed to pay off but it was the single handers who were soon at the front of the fleet with Neil sailing really well and leading Tony and Jim.… Read full article “Ladies, Crews, Juniors, Seniors Race 2016”

A Future Star

A fleeting visit by Swallow from the forthcoming Swallows and Amazons film which was recorded locally last Summer.

Word has she may return during The ONE Bassenthwaite Sailing Week – you have entered haven’t you?!

Merchandise is available to preorder online at discounted rates until 23 July

